Tuesday, July 01, 2008

énummi™ (PART 2)

Wow, I had a great 7 hours sleep last night, but how come this morning I'm still so sleepy and tired? Hmm... must be the accumulated effects of lack of proper sleep over the days, weeks and months... Going to continue sleeping 7 hours tonight again! Woohoo...

Anyways, I am abandoning the research on the ingredients in énummi™, because I don't think I want to go into the world of cosmetics/facial care... really really humongous world to explore, I tell you, and a very lucrative field too. Financial analysts and economists say that this business will continue to grow, with the major contribution coming from women. How come I'm not surprised? Tell me any women 16-60 that do not use any form of cosmetics/facial care products daily, and I'll give you RM50 each.

Just as there are controversies in the world of nutrition, no doubt, there will be debates and arguments in the world of cosmetics/facial care. I'm not going to uncover a new bag of bones or worms just to find myself getting confused in the process.

I definitely do not know what is the basis or what should I believe in when it comes to facial care products. But what I do know is that, if it is a good product, your face will show it. No matter how expensive the product is, it is useless if it makes your face dry or oily after using it.

Which brings us to the point I want to bring out ---> I believe that, if your body beneath the layer of skin is well taken care of, well nourished, optimally healthy, it will naturally produce a healthy and good looking skin/face. Don't agree with me? Let's try this: Why do you need a blusher/bronzer if you have the natural glow? Why do you need something to hide the dark circles under your eyes if you had been getting enough of rest? Why do you need a toner if your face is naturally well-toned?

Well, I do agree that some skin problems are genetic, or caused by hormones and other uncontrollable what-nots. For those cases, I believe that getting the proper treatment, the right products is of the utmost importance. And you should always start with God. Is there any problem too small for God? Any health issue God can't heal? I do recall that Jesus' skin was ripped apart, because of us, that we may have healthy and great skin.

Hence, I want to recommend this skin care product to you, formulated before the beginning of time:


God the Father™, God the Son™, God the Holy Spirit™, flesh and bones (just like you and me)

Primary Benefits:

  • Helps topically and atopically support the healthy function of your immune system with His prayers, blessings and anointing blend

  • Supports healthy skin with the stripes on His back, which can heal a complete range of skin sicknesses and diseases

  • Provides protective antioxidant support for younger, healthier-looking skin

  • Promotes soft, smooth skin with He-knows-your-heart's-desires™ and He's-more-than-willing to-bless-you-with-it™
  • How to use:

    By accepting Jesus and all that He has done for you, and saying this prayer, and meaning it from your heart:

    Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me and dying for me on the cross. Your precious blood washes me clean of every sin. You are my Lord, my Saviour and my God now and forever. I believe that You rose from the dead, and that You are alive today. God, You are my Father and I am Your child because of Jesus. Thank You for filling my heart with Your peace and joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    As simple as that for a healthy and radiant looking skin! *winks*


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